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PlayStation 4 vs Xbox One

24 January 2014 19 comments

PS4 vs Xbox One

In one of the newer battles of the console wars, the PlayStation fanboys got a win! One week ago, in a landslide victory, the PlayStation 4 beat out the Xbox One (winning every category available) to claim IGN’s People’s Choice Award, and start an internet flame war that spread throughout the internet, with both sides calling names and getting angry.

All Xbox fanboys claimed that the award doesn’t matter, since it’s “just a measure of fanboys”, whereas the PlayStation fans feel that the award is a sign of how superior the PS4 is.

We feel that it’s too early to come to a decisive conclusion about the best console, and that all this rabbling about which console is best is pretty idiotic, considering that the consoles don’t have near enough titles to judge, and they’re likely to change from now to next year. People forget that consoles change over time, with changes in policy, UI updates, and exclusives all changing users’ opinions over time.

On that note, how about exclusives? We think most people would agree that first-party games are essential to a console’s launch. A front that both PS4 and Xbox One failed on (I’m looking at you Knack and Ryse). So until adequate first- and third-party games come out, criticism on consoles should be taken lightly, especially if it’s by a random fanboy online.