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PlayStation 4 vs Xbox One

PS4 vs Xbox One

In one of the newer battles of the console wars, the PlayStation fanboys got a win! One week ago, in a landslide victory, the PlayStation 4 beat out the Xbox One (winning every category available) to claim IGN’s People’s Choice Award, and start an internet flame war that spread throughout the internet, with both sides calling names and getting angry.

All Xbox fanboys claimed that the award doesn’t matter, since it’s “just a measure of fanboys”, whereas the PlayStation fans feel that the award is a sign of how superior the PS4 is.

We feel that it’s too early to come to a decisive conclusion about the best console, and that all this rabbling about which console is best is pretty idiotic, considering that the consoles don’t have near enough titles to judge, and they’re likely to change from now to next year. People forget that consoles change over time, with changes in policy, UI updates, and exclusives all changing users’ opinions over time.

On that note, how about exclusives? We think most people would agree that first-party games are essential to a console’s launch. A front that both PS4 and Xbox One failed on (I’m looking at you Knack and Ryse). So until adequate first- and third-party games come out, criticism on consoles should be taken lightly, especially if it’s by a random fanboy online.

  1. mycutebaby
    24 January 2014 at 5:25 pm

    PS4 is the best. No paying for Xbox Live and $100 cheaper.

  2. Irondiesel2011
    24 January 2014 at 5:27 pm

    Sony press release. Just because you pre ordered the PS4 does not mean you will get it day one. Nice Here we go again. Also large patch must be downloaded on day one. What the Hell.

  3. Rice Cake
    24 January 2014 at 5:28 pm

    With both consoles sharing the x86 architecture this time round there will be no differences for developers so specification is key for gamers. Tie this in with price and your left asking why pay more for less. So this just leaves Kinect, if it’s important to you then you will go Xbox one. If however you are left underwhelmed by Kinect (like me), Xbox One starts to look less appealing. I currently have an Xbox 360 and have been very happy with it. I fully expected to follow straight on to Xbox One, yet now i’m in the position of having to wait and see which console is best and what effect this has on prices. I don’t want to shell out on an Xbox One and find sales are poorer than expected so they cut the price (as happened with PS3). I don’t have enough money to to just throw at this, this is a long term purchase for me.

  4. trublinx
    24 January 2014 at 5:39 pm

    I own both the PS3 and XBox 360 and will likely own both of the next generation, however it’s a matter of which one first since their respective purchases will be a year apart. I do feel that I should point out though that PS3 was the favored system before release but turned out to be an epic flop and barely managed to come back to respectability before the next gen came out. I will watch the trends and see after each system is released and make my decision from there.
    Also all comments here on after mentioning Xbox’s DRM and 24 hour internet connection deserve a swift kick to the balls since Microsoft isn’t doing that anymore.

  5. Dr Jones
    24 January 2014 at 5:40 pm

    I currently own both the PS3 and The Xbox360. I enjoy both. I refuse to pay 60.00/year to watch Hulu, Amazon and Netflix on the Xbox when I pay for those service already. So I only watch them on my PS3. I will not buy the Xbox 1. Not because its inferior to the PS4 or the games aren’t s good. I wont buy it simply because they are changing the industry for the worse. When you spend 60.00 on a game, you should own it. They are killing free trade. This will single handedly kill the used game market. Lets not forget the privacy issue. Is it not strange to anyone that it has to be connected 24/7? That it has to have the connect (Cameras). This may not have been an issue 6 months ago. But does anyone not know who Edward Snowden is? The government might spy on you isn’t paranoia, its a fact! MS has voluntarily supported this program and continues to do so. Is it a coincidence that the Xbox 1 is configured the way it is? I don’t think so. So I wont be buying an Xbox1 and don’t advise anyone else to. Tell them you wont stand for their socialist business practices by the only thing that matters, your cash. Its the same as voting to get rid of the politicians that pass terrible laws. Maybe when they see how these things aren’t selling, they will change the licensing policy and the 24/7 connection?

  6. progb
    24 January 2014 at 5:43 pm

    Espresso is G3 with Power 970 based architecture. It has three cores with an extended firmware interface that seems to be extremely upgradable via software updates.

    • 3dom
      24 January 2014 at 5:43 pm

      I think this could be a great thing across the board. If the consoles start actually using all of the cores, it should create growth in the whole industry to begin programming for all cores. (Fingers crossed)

    • blakestrahl
      24 January 2014 at 5:48 pm

      This seems extremely relevant.

  7. George Michael
    24 January 2014 at 5:44 pm

    I’m glad sony fans are happy with the ps3.5, I’m also glad all us xb1 owners didn’t buy it.

    • Brian Lee
      24 January 2014 at 5:44 pm

      Lol at your comment. I’m glad MS fans are happy with the xbone 720p. Im glad all us ps4 owners didnt buy it.

  8. jklpulzo
    24 January 2014 at 5:45 pm

    The whole debate is pointless because gamers on average lack the intelligence to have it. If selling more consoles makes you the victor then why wasn’t Nintendo crowned the victor this gen when they crushed both MS and Sony with 100 mil Wii sales?? Oh, I’m sorry, was it because Nintendo made no profit? Oh yes, profit…that thing that is the very point of any business and the thing that is never mentioned in any gaming article. Thats why you see quotes to Sony selling 4.2 mil and MS selling 3 mil. Noone mentions hat MS is selling 3 mil at $500 per unit and that MS reportedly pulled in 84 mil in profit while Sony, selling at only $400 per unit, pulled in only 74 mil in profit. Only among gamers would 74 mil be greater than 84 mil. MS also has the clear advantage in online with nearly 50 mil gamers paying $60 a year while Sony has less than 20 mil gamers paying $50 a year. Who do you think will earn more profit in that little contest? Fact of the matter is that both will get all the third party support they want so it really doesn’t matter. The only times sales matter is when it results in a lack of third party support–which is what is unfortunately happening to the Wii U right now. But these silly console war arguments never take the financials into account because the gaming “journalists” writing the stories are typically too unsophisticated to cover that angle of the contest. You’ll never turn on Bloomberg and hear them discussing how many cars Ford sold last quarter–you’ll hear them discussing Ford’s profitability last quarter–there’s a reason for that fellas…

    • SecretJay
      24 January 2014 at 5:45 pm

      I’m not interested in how much money they make! This post just reinforces the fact that MS is ripping people off with a clearly inferior product. Most of it has to do with marketing. So unless you have holdings in MS or PS you should compare the hardware to the price of the console and make a decision based on quality not hype. But I do agree that brand loyalty and lack of working brains contribute to Xbox ones ridiculous price. MS is like ” They will buy it anyway”

      • Chorzo
        24 January 2014 at 5:46 pm

        U obviously don’t understand what profit is you Muppet. Microsoft does not make more money per console sold than Sony as they bundle the expensive kinect. Neither companies will make much from console sales, rather services and games bring in the money. Apropos your PS plus vs Xbox live price comment, Sony are still well placed to make up the difference due to their large install base. Either way I don’t know why you’d support MS for ripping off the consumer.

  9. mDNA
    24 January 2014 at 5:46 pm

    XB1 may not have released in as many countries as the PS4 yet but I wouldn’t expect sales to skyrocket past the PS4 once they do because a lot, A LOT of people aren’t buying a PS4 yet because the PS3 is still a damn fine console and the really meaty games are yet to come.

    I’m a die hard Sony Playstation fan and a gaming nerd like no other and I haven’t bothered with next (current) gen yet because I’m not interested in the games so far.

    And as for the xbox cloud, if it is as powerful as it is being touted and will revolutionize gaming then you better believe Sony will throw up a couple of hundred of thousands of servers as well to compete however I still don’t believe the power of the cloud is going to blow everyone away this generation, maybe next gen. The cloud is only as good as the internet connection of the user and super fast speeds at cheap cheap prices aren’t readily available yet.

    • XCOM3
      24 January 2014 at 5:47 pm

      Sony have gaikai-many thousands of servers by now as they will be rolling out playstation now via them soon, and that number will grow considerably over the next year. You know what the difference between what gaikai does and what MS’s servers will be doing (apparently, although the maths on the timings to make anything your interacting with in real time dynamically in game;doesn’t work.) Mainly software, Sony have installed custom PS3 hardware however change the software and it’d be more than capable of just processing stuff and sending the result back however devs would have to make sure anything meant for it was written in the correct way, would make development harder but as ps2 and ps1 games willl be on the service too-their must be pc hardware just emulating those consoles as part of the network….


      • mDNA
        24 January 2014 at 5:47 pm

        I never said Sony doesn’t already have a ton of servers out there through their gaikai purchase but I don’t believe its at the same level as microsoft otherwise they’d be touting this to the presses. And the fact a lot of gaikai will be spent to work as their Playstation Now service (emulation and porting of previous games) there’s no way they have the same amount of servers as microsoft do. However they don’t need it.

  10. drake2k30
    24 January 2014 at 5:48 pm

    I used to care about these fights. Thought they were great, but now just think they are stupid and mean nothing. The only real statistic you can come up with is the one where systems are purchased by the almighty consumer. Anyone who doesn’t think developers don’t have a favorite just like the consumer is smoking something stronger than pot. This reminds me of the Forza developer saying the prefer Microsoft, but slightly less ridiculous.

  11. Michael CM2
    24 January 2014 at 6:56 pm

    The Xbox is better because the Vita sucks

  12. Ron Davidson
    28 January 2014 at 7:17 am

    There’s no point in comparing sales of either console right now as only fans of their respective console and hardcore gamers are actually buying them. The majority of console sales are from casual gamers and they probably won’t be buying into next gen until 2015/16. Also, 10 million could want the PS4 and 5 million could want the Xbox One on launch but those numbers simply haven’t been made yet. You can’t compare sales when demand far outstrips supply. But saying that, the title of this article is ridiculously harsh, there’s a lot going for the Xbox and it will sell a lot. They’ll probably both outsell their predecessors and sure, at this stage the PS4 has a huge advantage and will continue to have that advantage for probably a year or two but beyond that, there’s no telling what might happen. And the PS3 was far more “doomed” than the Xbox One is a few months after launch and it ended up matching sales (maybe overtaking) which analysts were saying would be impossible for the PS3 to do. Besides, it’s 2014, it’s not about hardware shipments, it’s about digital purchases and we know very little about that right now and that’s where their profits will come from.

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